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Clarity Coaching

Get unstuck and get on with your life.

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Do I stay or Do I go?


Girl, I see you.

Trying everything you know to save your marriage.
Not wanting to give up but also struggling to stay in it.
Contemplating if life would be easier divorced.

It is exhausting to not know how to move forward.

Stop over-analyzing, worrying and weighing the pros and cons.  

What you need is Clarity. 


Clarity Coaching


Does this sound like you? 

You wish you knew if divorce is the right option for you?

You don't want to get divorced, but you aren't sure there are any other options left.

You are frozen with fear and doubt and can't figure out which option to choose. 

In this program:

  • You will learn how to decipher what you want and don't want in your life. 
  • You will understand what indecision is, what causes it and how to relieve it when it shows up.
  • You will learn how to test out different options and pick what is best for you.
  • You will master the ability to stay in your knowing amidst chaos.
  • And most of all, you will find your footing again - to know what you want, who you are and how you want to move forward. 

All so you will be able to answer "should I stay or should I go?" 


In the initial weeks, I'll help you learn how to break free from indecision. We will explore how it controls you and what you should do to move through it. You will begin creating your plan for your future.  


As you progress, you'll discover your true self, who you want to be and how to line up to that person. We'll guide you in rediscovering your identity and crafting the life you desire.


In the final phase, you'll develop the tools and resilience needed to bring your new self into your existing world and make your decision if divorce is right for you.


Deciding to get divorced was the hardest decision I ever made.


It is not one to be taken lightly. This choice has very real consequences in your life.

It is also not as clear cut as it appears to be. Join me as we walk through a 6-week self exploration, designed exclusively for women like you. 

You haven't been here before. You aren't sure how to move forward, but you know you don't want to be stuck any longer.  

It's time to move. 


Everyone’s journey is different.  Find the right option for you.

Payment Plan


3 Monthly Payments

  • 6 Live group calls with Erica
  • Printable Cohort Accountability workbook
  • Access to the Crazy Ex-Wives Club community

Paid In Full


Exclusive Bonus Content

  • 6 Live group calls with Erica
  • Printable Cohort Accountability workbook
  • Access to the Crazy Ex-Wives Club community

BONUS: Get free access to Navigating Anxiety - a digital class to learn how to regain control over anxious thoughts and worries. 


Private Coaching


Custom Support

  • 6 Live private calls with Erica 
  • Text support in between calls
  • Printable Cohort Accountability workbook
  • Access to The Crazy Ex-Wives Club community
  • PLUS... The Navigating Anxiety Bonus 


This program was designed to help women who are married or in partnership.

It's for women who have sacrificed parts of themselves in the hope of saving their marriage.

It's for women who have exhausted every avenue to improve their relationship and are still don't see the change they want.

It's for women who yearn for a thriving marriage but recognize its current brokenness, feeling lost on how to mend it.

It's for women who seek clarity on whether they want to breathe life into their marriage or if it's beyond repair.

It's for women who are at the point of readiness to learn how to start moving forward towards there next chapter. 

Is this you? 

Each week, you'll embark on a 60-minute live video call with Erica. These sessions include expert training on healing strategies and dedicated time for your questions and concerns.

Once a month the entire call is reserved for Q&A. This is your opportunity to open up, discuss your progress, and receive personalized support.

If you choose the group program, each group is limited to just twenty participants. This means you'll have ample opportunity to connect, share, and grow together.

Be empowered to move forward with clarity.  


I'm the most pro-marriage divorced person you will ever meet, but sometimes the best answer is divorce. 

The hard part is the space in between when you don't know if you should keep fighting or throw in the towel. 

If this is you, let me help you.

I lived that space for years, fighting for my marriage and my family. It was the worst pain I had ever experienced and I would have done anything to get through it faster. 

In the end, the right choice was for us to divorce, but in those years I learned how to get clear on what I wanted, discovered who I was and built systems to thrive in my new normal. 

While no one else can make this life decision for you, it is impossible to make this decision when you are balled up in indecision, fear and uncertainty. 

Having a guide to lead the way makes all the difference in how long you stay stuck.

If you are ready to move forward and explore what your next steps look like, let's start now. 



"I use the strategies I learned in this program daily. They help me show up for myself and my kids in incredible ways."

Amanda S.

"I love the live coaching sessions included in this program! Being able to ask questions specific to what I was dealing with was key to being able to move forward."

Nicole K. 

 Are you ready to get started?

Let's get started!

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