S2, Eps 2: There is So Much More Than Talk Therapy: Looking at Alternative Therapies
Oct 17, 2023
Join host Erica Bennett on this eye-opening episode of The Crazy Ex-Wives Club as she delves into the world of alternative healing practices beyond talk therapy. Explore techniques such as EMDR therapy, EFT tapping, and yoni dearmoring to release pent-up emotions and trauma stored in the body. Discover how movement, music, and yoga can unlock hidden memories and emotions and listen in as Erica highlights the importance of diverse health boards and the benefits of massage therapy for physical and emotional well-being.
Get ready for a mind-expanding conversation on alternative healing practices that could transform your approach to healing and personal growth.
See below for full transcripts.
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There is So Much More Than Talk Therapy: Full Transcripts
Erica Bennett [00:00:03]:
Hey, guys. Welcome to another episode of The Crazy Ex-Wives Club. This week we're talking about therapy, specifically therapy alternatives, because there are a hell of a lot of ways that you can work on yourself that don't involve sitting on a therapist's couch. So let's get started.
Hey, guys, welcome back. I'm your host, Erica, and today I really wanted to talk a little bit about therapy and therapy alternatives. You know, one of the main reasons that I started this podcast was to shed light on all of the different healing modalities. There are so many more healing modalities than just talk therapy.
Erica Bennett [00:00:44]:
I started in talk therapy. It was really the one that most people have heard about. I had done it for years. Yeah, it is years on and off for years and just kind of would keep going back and would solve the issue that I have. And then I would eventually be like, yes, therapist isn't quite the right fit anymore. I've expanded past it, or we're looking at something else. And I'd kind of pause therapy for a bit and then find a new therapist and the cycle repeated. Right.
Erica Bennett [00:01:16]:
Whatever was the problem I was dealing with, I would find a therapist that supported me and met that need in that season. What was I looking to explore? What answers was I seeking? I'd go to that expert to get the answers or get the next piece. Eventually, I would often start to feel like I'd expanded past what they had to offer me anymore and I'd move on because I really always looked at therapy as a growth tool. I know some people love therapy just as vent session. That's a whole different topic. So if you go to therapy because you love to vent, that's cool. That's over there, that's not my jam. My jam was therapy to help heal and move, evolve, expand, grow, kind of get on with life, right? Anyways, this process repeated, and I started to be like, "oh, okay, now the same topic has come up again". Right? Now I'm back to dealing with some of the hurt from my relationship, from my marriage.
Erica Bennett [00:02:13]:
Do I go back to the same person? Do I try and find somebody new? I started to really move into exploring other alternatives. Having worked in the beauty industry, things like massage have always been part of my little healing tool belt. I often talk about the fact that your doctor, your script writing doctor, is just one of many people that you have on your own health board. And it's really your responsibility to create your own health board. What do you need to be your best self, right? And for me, that always includes massage therapy because I just knew that for whatever reason I mean, not for whatever reason, for a few reasons. Let's edit that. So I just knew that for me, having somebody on my health board that worked within my physical body really helped me in a few different ways. I knew that one, especially when I was separated and divorced, that a lot of times there is a huge lack of any sort of physical touch.
Erica Bennett [00:03:28]:
Hugs, handshaking, right? A hand on the shoulder. If you're not in a relationship with somebody or living close to close friends and family, that's not something that's happening on a daily basis. And so I knew that just that human connection of having somebody massage my shoulders, of working through the tension in my back, that always made me feel a lot better. Like I needed that. And I could tell when I didn't have that, I started to get really tight, tightly wound, my muscles got tightly wound, my body got tightly wound, and a 90 minutes massage just helped to kind of allow me to release that tension and to reset and move on. But what also started to happen is as I got into a regular massage practice, that massage kind of became a little bit of a Zen meditative moment. I knew that I could go into any massage with a quote unquote problem I wanted to solve. So I'd be like, I remember one time I went in and I was redecorating painting, choosing paint colors and laying out the basement.
Erica Bennett [00:04:28]:
And so I went into the massage and I said, okay, I want to see the answers. Let's start exploring. And then as I kind of like move into that half awake, half whatever state, as you're listening to the music and floating the answers and the clarity, they'd start to come through. So, for a long time, I have used massage as some sort of healing. After my divorce and moving through a few different versions of talk therapy, I started to get a little deeper into alternative therapy practices specific around understanding and moving the trauma through the body. So what is therapy? Well, to be honest, if you Google it, which I did, therapy is a noun and it just means a treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder. Now, there is a second definition, and that's the treatment of mental conditions by verbal communication, aka talk therapy, the one we all know. Except isn't it interesting that that's the second definition in the dictionary? So a therapy is any intended treatment to relieve or heal a disorder, right? Your sadness is a disorder.
Erica Bennett [00:05:43]:
Your anger is a disorder. Your unbalanced emotions, your crazies, it's just a disorder. It's just a thing, a thing that needs a treatment. It needs to be healed. So I started to explore now within the talk therapy realm, the first time I moved into an alternative around body was EMDR. So EMDR is a process that is most commonly used for PTSD. It helps to actually rewire the brain by activating right and left sides of the brain. Now, there's different ways to do this.
Erica Bennett [00:06:19]:
One way is to actually look left, look right, and go back and forth quickly, right. The practitioner I used actually tapped on the sides of your knees. So tapped right, tapped left, and kind of went back and forth. Now there are a lot of other steps to this. That is the Cliff Note version of what EMDR is. You can't just sit down and start tapping on your knees and expect to have huge revelations. Sometimes you can. I'm going to tell you that that has become the new norm in my world.
Erica Bennett [00:06:46]:
But there is an actual process, a certification that therapists go through to be able to add this arm to their therapy options. So when I started to work with EMDR, this was the first shift from just talking about my problems to releasing problems. What would happen is you find a painful memory and you're thinking about that painful memory and tapping into the emotions, the feelings of it, so you can feel it in your body. And then you start, and as you start tapping in your breathing and you're breathing and you're releasing and you're sharing what images you're seeing or what feelings you're having. For me, we would tap and tap and it's like digging up the stuff, digging it up, digging it up. The layers of pain would get so clear and so intense, and then for me, it would break. And when it broke, I started yawning. I started pulling and moving energy through my body, right? All of a sudden, big deep yawns, they started to feel like they actually were rooted right at the base of my spine.
Erica Bennett [00:07:49]:
I had to kind of move my head back and forth. I had to kind of move my shoulders. I was moving my body to get this big breath up and out and up and out. And I would continue these deep yawns and deep yawns and deep yawns until all of a sudden we came to a neutral or even happy place. And I was like, oh, I got it, found it, it's done. We'd repeat this process, sometimes the same topic would come up, but overall what we saw was the same. I found the deep pain, we dug deep into the pain, really, truly looked at it. And then with this right, left tapping, right, left tapping, eventually it would explode out in huge yawns, releasing tension and stress from the body.
Erica Bennett [00:08:36]:
I'd had to move it out. When I finished my EMDR, I got to a place where actually what was happening is these little nuggets of trauma, these pockets, the bubbles of emotion would be found and I would call in to make an appointment, but it would take three weeks before I got in because therapists are busy. And by time I got in, the problem wasn't as intense as it was. And when the problem wasn't as intense, we weren't getting as far as we wanted to an EMDR. And so I started to take it upon myself to tap it out. At home, there are other versions of tapping called EFT emotional freedom technique or emotional freedom tapping. That is another option that hits a few different points. But either way, I started to continue this right left tapping.
Erica Bennett [00:09:22]:
And what I found was I continued to hit the bubble came up, the pain was there. I looked at it, I explored it, and I tapped at the same time to help ease the tension, right? Because when I looked at something really painful, what my body still wanted to do was run. It still wanted to go a different direction, like, no, please, Erica, don't do this. I cannot hold the space, is what my body would be screaming. And so I'd start to tap to ground it out, right, left, right, left, right, left. And then the yawns would come and the things would move through. And what I started to realize is that my whole body wanted to start moving through it. Whether that was cat cow, right, stretching my spine, whether I was reaching up to the sky and falling over down to the floor, whether it was dancing.
Erica Bennett [00:10:10]:
Sometimes it just was like writhing and wriggling and stretching and contracting on the floor. It was moving through these emotions. I started to realize that there was a huge connection between the brain and the body healing and processing the trauma. Because it's one thing to talk through it, right? Talking through it is kind of like you've got weeds in your garden, and when you go to talk through it, you just kind of cut off. You clip off or mow it down, right? So you cut off the top of it and gosh, it feels better right away. And oh my gosh, does it look so much better? The outlook looks better. It feels better. I'm so happy.
Erica Bennett [00:10:54]:
I did the work. I cut the tops off. And what happens three weeks later, it grows back. Because if we don't get into the roots where it has planted roots in the body, we can't truly remove it from our garden. And so each of these emotions, these traumas, these experiences, they've planted seeds, they've grown roots in your body, both your physical and energetic body, and you've got to move them out. Now, some of the first research on this I talked about this book last season was the Body Keeps Score or The Body Keeps the Score, right? So we talked about that book in season one, and it really started to look at the connection between how the body needs to move through the process of healing to be able to set the experience aside. So this was specific in some PTSD research and understanding how when a thing happens to us, our mind can logically process it, but our nervous system has to physically process it. And if our nervous system does not physically process it, it continues to retrigger the same experience, it continues to bring back the same sensations.
Erica Bennett [00:12:12]:
You guys have probably experienced this if you've had something very painful happen previously. So my ex was cheating, and so every time a phone dinged, I couldn't breathe, right? My chest would clench. I could feel a zing from head to toe of pure adrenaline, fear of, is this her? Am I not safe? Is my marriage over? Right? And so while we were separated, those things always played out. Now, once we're divorced, I don't care whether or not she texts him. Logically, I know that is no longer a threat. Logically, I'm safe. Logically, I'm happy. Logically, I'm sound the phone vibrates for anybody.
Erica Bennett [00:13:12]:
My mom a coworker, a boyfriend, and I have the same visceral physical nervous system response. It catches in my chest. I can't breathe. I can feel the tension in my shoulder, and I get a zing. I have to move that through my body. So when that happens, right now, I'm using breath. There's a therapy alternative. Breath is a great therapy alternative to be able to move stuck energy and stuck emotions through the body.
Erica Bennett [00:13:44]:
In that example, when that hits and my breath tightens up and I can't breathe, what I know I have to do is force myself to take a deep breath. So I tell myself to breathe, right? I breathe in and I breathe out. If it's really intense and just the breath alone is not moving it, I might start some of that right, left tapping on my knee. I'll bring back in my EMDR, right, left, right, left, right, left. Because what's happening is my nervous system is going offline. Your nervous system is saying, fight, flight, freeze. Something is not okay, and I must protect this body, bring it back, ground it down, right? So your breath is actually the only way that you can consciously control your fight or flight response, right? You can't tell your heart to beat less. You can't tell your mind, oh, just don't think those thoughts, mind or, oh, muscles just relax or hey, heart.
Erica Bennett [00:14:49]:
You don't have to be racing. You can slow down, but you can tell yourself to take a breath. You can tell yourself to slow your breathing down. Breathe in on account of five. Breathe out on account of five. There's something called box breathing where you breathe in the same numbers. I think usually it's four. Four.
Erica Bennett [00:15:07]:
So breathe in on account of four. Hold for account of four. Breathe out on account of four. Hold for account of four. If you are super stimulated, super anxious, worried, in a state of fight or flight, it's going to be really hard to hold your breath and have that feel comfortable. So if you're in a big aggravated state of fight or flight, I go to even breathing in and even breathing out. And that might start on account of three. That already might be slower than what you're doing.
Erica Bennett [00:15:41]:
And each time I try and slow it down a little bit more, get to a four count in and a four count out and slow it down to a five. Right. Can I start to breathe in and breathe out longer to slow down the exhale? Your breath is one of those therapy tools that you have available to you anytime throughout the day. So if you're thinking that, oh, shit, shit has just hit the fan, something has been aggravated, stimulated, triggered in my mind and my body. One therapy you can deliver right away is breathing. Now, I actually have a breathing tool that I love. I will link it down below. It comes in all sorts of great fun colors, like white and black, and there's like a blush pink, and there's a metal version.
Erica Bennett [00:16:28]:
It's called the shift. It saved my life when I was first going through my separation, so I worked at a lifestyle company. I taught breathing and meditation classes. This was not new in my world. I was already a yoga teacher. We're talking like I'm ingrained in the world of breathing. And when my anxiety was at its worst, I could not slow it down. I could not actually get back in control of it because my mind, the anxiety train, was running so fast and so furious that it couldn't hear me tell it to do something else.
Erica Bennett [00:17:02]:
And that's when I use this tool called the Shift, it will absolutely change your life. If you are struggling with this sort of thing, it's an affiliate link. I do earn a commission off the sales, but I am going to share it because I travel with it all the time. I have it as a cuff link. I have it as three or four different necklaces. But I wore it to work every single day and for about a three month period. It was the thing that saved my life. So being able to tune into my breath and nobody even knew what it was, I could just sit at my desk with my breathing tool in my mouth and breathe in and out and help it slow and calm my nervous system.
Erica Bennett [00:17:40]:
All right, so our little nervous system, it's here to protect us. It's running wild. Some of the other therapies, right? The other treatments that have helped some of you may have heard of Reiki. That's getting to be pretty common. That is the use of moving energy through the body. Right. A Reiki practitioner helps to move things for you by holding the hands over you. I'm not reiki certified.
Erica Bennett [00:18:05]:
I've had quite a bit of Reiki. You can do it virtually or you can do it in person. Again, to me, what I love about Reiki is it is that warm, soothing, someone is holding you up energy. Right? Because the Reiki practitioner is pouring love and healing from them. They're the conduit. They're bringing it in from the universe and they are pouring it through their hands and their body into you. And so it feels very warm is the only word I can think of. Very warm, very soothing, like being held, being supported.
Erica Bennett [00:18:47]:
One of the cool ones that I found outside of Reiki, which I actually liked even a little bit more than Reiki, and even a little bit more than massage therapy, which for those of you that know me, I love me a good massage every three weeks. So Rosen therapy. Rosen therapy is very similar to a massage in that you are laying on a massage bed and you get undressed just like as if you were going to a massage and they cover you with a towel. But what ends up happening is they are looking for trapped energy patterns in the muscle. They're looking for repetitive muscle tension. Because where that muscle is held tight, where that muscle is locked up, it's holding on to some sort of memory, emotion, trauma trigger thing in the body, and it wants to be released. And so with like a gentle laying of the hands, it's not like a massage where they physically move the muscle. They kind of place their hands on your body, around your back, right? Your shoulders, low back.
Erica Bennett [00:19:46]:
They're feeling for those tension spots. And when they find it, they almost do. Just a gentle rocking back and forth, or even sometimes just a laying of the hands, just a light pressure. And they ask you to start breathing through it. What do you feel in this place on the body? What ideas, memories, inspirations? What emotions are surfacing? So they're using a combination of both physical and talk therapy to help you move through what's going on. Now, all of these practices, this idea of moving the body to release the trapped emotion is now kind of falling under the therapy group called somatic healing or somatic experiencing. It really refers to being able to feel it or move it in the body. I use a lot of different somatic healing techniques in my own coaching that I provide as well as in my own life.
Erica Bennett [00:20:35]:
Anything from moving with music, stretching, dancing. Again, the yoga teacher training that I did to become certified, a lot of yoga pieces, right? Moving your emotions through the body, through gentle movement, all of those can be super helpful in you unlocking where these memories are stored. But my favorite, and also the one that creates the most crazy conversations if we're ever out, is Yoni De Armoring. Yes. Yoni de Armoring, my friends. So if all these other therapy alternatives I've talked to you about, right? And there's sex therapy, there's manifesting therapy, empowerment therapy. I mean, you guys, the world of therapy is so big. So if you think that the only therapy option you have is talk therapy and you're sitting there being like, just get me towards action, there's more out there, I'm happy to help you find what type of therapy might be the best fit for you.
Erica Bennett [00:21:43]:
But yoni De Armoring so all these other therapies I've talked, I think about things on a continuum of one side is just talking about it, and one side is just like physically moving through it. And all the ones we've talked about so far today have kind of transitioned from talk therapy into moving into a little bit more of the body and moving things through the body and some references in the body that heals. And the research that we know that the nervous system actually holds on to the trap stuck energy. And when that energy is not released, it creates disease in the body. It creates the disease that you're dealing with, right? It knocks out the adrenals or the hormones or the digestion. It hits all the stuff and eventually starts to show up physically. Well, to me, the treatment, the therapy that really brought about the most profound healing in the most subtle way was Yoni de Armoring. So Yoni de Armoring came to me through a few steps, but one of my girls was recommending these beautiful crystal pieces, crystal dildos and self massage toys and things like that out of Australia.
Erica Bennett [00:22:59]:
And so as I went to look at know, because the plastics, the batteries, you guys will save that for another day, but batteries will be the death of your sex life. I am just telling you that right now. In fact, we're going to write that down because that is definitely the title of that episode when it comes out. But batteries, the plastics, the silicones, they're not good for you. So looking at a more natural alternative would be a crystal. And so as I started to explore this company, the Yoni Pleasure Palace, I came across tools that were used for Yoni de Armoring. Now, Yoni de Armoring is something that you can do on your own, or you can actually hire a practitioner who guides you through the process. But what the process is about is that your yoni, your entire reproductive area as a woman, because side note, is like, let's think about this for a second.
Erica Bennett [00:23:54]:
They have very specific names for all the parts of the male anatomy. And we do not ever really talk about the parts of the female anatomy, right? You have the individual pieces, but what encompasses all of it from the uterus and the ovaries and the vagina and all the pieces. So yoni, that's the term, yoni. Anyways, Yoni de Armoring is that all the emotions, the traumas, the experiences you've had as a woman are actually stored inside your sexual reproductive organs. They're in your uterus, they're in your vaginal walls. You're holding onto it. Every sex partner you've ever had, sex interaction, it's like held up in there that it created emotions, it created experiences in your physical body, and they're stuck if they're not good up there. So Yoni de Armoring is using there's a couple of different tools, but it's using a tool of sorts to gently apply I use the word pressure lightly because you're not really pushing on anything.
Erica Bennett [00:25:08]:
But you're guiding this tool around the inside walls of your you're using this tool to guide through the inside walls of your vagina, to be able to find a spot that just feels tender or sore or just almost uncomfortable. It's not a pleasure thing, you guys. It's not like we're just pumping away in there, not what we're doing. We are gently working through the muscular lining of our vagina until we find a spot that feels tender. And by tender, I mean it might just feel intense, it might feel painful, it might feel tight. It's going to feel not the same as the other spots. And when you find that spot, all you do is leave this crystal wand pressed up or resting up against it. And now you breathe.
Erica Bennett [00:26:05]:
And as you breathe, what happens is it starts to release whatever emotion is living there within that muscle, within that lining. For me, what happened is as I found these spots, I started to see flashes of memories of images in the past. Right? And I will do a little side note. I'm not talking about any sort of sexual abuse. That is a whole different world. I'm talking about the average person who's got some shit going on and it is stored in there. So if you are a survivor of any sort of sexual abuse, I would strongly recommend making sure you have talk therapy, making sure you have practitioners as you're doing any of these practices. Now, if you're in the rest of the world where divorce sucks and it really hurt and you're kind of fucked up in how you're thinking about relationships and being able to move forward and you're realizing that those crazies are popping up, this could be the tool that changes everything.
Erica Bennett [00:27:02]:
So as I'm finding those spots, these flashbacks are happening to moments that I had forgotten in my marriage, to little arguments we had. Sometimes it flashes back to the moment. There was one night where we sat on opposite ends of the big L shaped couch and just talked through. I knew he was cheating at that point. Why are you quitting? Why aren't we working on this? That moment comes back so crystal clear. And it was one that in the moment, I was in a survival mode. I was having the conversations. I'm aware we had the conversations, but I wasn't allowing myself to feel the impact of those conversations.
Erica Bennett [00:27:43]:
And so what was happening is when I find these spots inside, it would flash to a memory. And now, because I'm in a safe space, because I'm in my own house, because I've made it through this, I could actually grieve and feel and move through those emotions that I never let my body feel. All of the things that we lock up and we refuse to deal with get stuck somewhere. And the more you find them and let them go, the faster you move through them. So in the beginning, these de armoring sessions would be a big self care practice that I was working through. So this self care practice meant that I was doing it on a night I didn't have my son, right? I was setting the mood. I was making sure that I had candlelight or music playing or whatever else I needed so that I was super comfortable. And I gave myself all the time in the world I needed to get through it, right? And so what was happening is as these emotions were surfacing in the beginning, it was like, find the emotion.
Erica Bennett [00:28:56]:
It was so searingly, raw, big, ugly, crying, journaling it out, moving through the emotions, moving it through my body as they progressed. And as I peeled back these layers, as I worked through those tension spots and the emotion, the trapped emotion was released, these Dearmoring sessions started to shift, right? So I could find the point almost rather quickly. I could move through it. I could breathe through it. I could find the pain. Just like EMDR, but deeper things that EMDR never even had the chance to find. This is like going straight to the core of your healing and healing from the inside out. Now, side note, which will also be in the other episode.
Erica Bennett [00:29:42]:
As I moved through this, as I built through this practice, what started to partner up with all of the like, once the pain had cleared was deep, deep pleasure. So again, these wands are not the pleasure wands. There's pleasure wands and there's healing wands. So the healing wands. But because you have cleared the emotional block, the trauma, the trigger, the pain that is sitting in your yoni right now, the pleasure can be felt. Now the pleasure can be found. So often I hear women, I see them post all the time online. They're like, well, they're not connected, right? I'm not having an orgasm or my boyfriend can't get me off, or I just don't want to have sex anymore, right? How often do we all feel like that? You can guarantee you got some shit built up in the walls of your uterus and of your vaginal lining.
Erica Bennett [00:30:36]:
And de armoring is going to be the tool that's going to set that shit free. Because what happens is we start to become numb. We build up all these layers of emotional repressed emotion, right? We're repressing the emotions. We're not dealing with it. We're not allowing our body to feel it. And guess what? If you're not letting it feel the shit, it will not feel the pleasure as well. And so being able to move through the healing practices means yes, you are going to feel some shitty stuff, and you are going to feel some of the most happiest moments you've ever felt in your life because you stopped numbing yourself out to the true power and intensity of your emotions. And this, you guys.
Erica Bennett [00:31:23]:
This truly is the power of the good kind of crazy, right? When I was going through my separation, I created some screen savers that literally just said, love is my superpower. I am truly able to transmute and show up in a space of love because that is the deepest, biggest emotion I have. And when I can shine love down on somebody who's cheated, or the other woman who continues to show up, or all the crazy shit that happens right when I can choose love, it doesn't mean I accept what they did. It doesn't mean I excuse what they did, but it means that I understand that they're human too, and people make mistakes, and I'd want love in return. And so love truly is your superpower. But love is a big emotion. And when people are really in the love vibe, they act a little crazy too. But that's a good crazy.
Erica Bennett [00:32:19]:
And so being able to use all these therapies, all these practices, right, they're just practices to help you clear the negative emotion so you can more fully live in the high vibe, happy emotion. I hope you guys found some fun little nuggets. There are so many more therapies. In fact, maybe we'll do another few episodes, invite some guests on to talk about all the different therapies they've experienced. You guys have just gotten a chance to hear about the crazy ones I have anywhere from Rosen Therapy, Reiki, healing, somatic healing, EMDR. No, I'm forgetting some. I've done some conscious companionship type thing. Like somebody just walked with you on the path.
Erica Bennett [00:33:10]:
You led your own healing, but they were there with you as like an expert or a guide. I've done shamanic healing. I've done all sorts of shit. I've done some sweat lodges. You guys seen some shit. Anyways, so many options out there for you guys other than talk therapy. If you are looking for therapy alternatives, let me know. Pop over to Instagram or TikTok, send me a message, hop on the mailing list, send me an email, let me know if there's a therapy you want to learn more about, I will bring an expert on.
Erica Bennett [00:33:45]:
We will explore it, we'll talk through it. But these tools are the things that are going to transform your life. So if you're feeling stuck, if you're feeling numb, if you're feeling like, I just shit, Erica, don't ever really just feel happy. We probably need to pull up some roots. Maybe you have been trimming back. Mowing the garden. Mowing the garden. Instead of pulling up the weeds, we need to pull up the weeds.
Erica Bennett [00:34:11]:
And to pull those weeds up, we got to get into the body. Definitely, you guys. Every fall, I offer a free meditation challenge. This year, super exciting. This year I'm actually going to be doing some somatic healing. We're going to be moving just gentle movements. It's like five to eight minutes of gentle movements every single day. The whole purpose is to just to help you connect to your breath, to soothe your nervous system, to allow it to calm down so that you feel like you're in a safe space.
Erica Bennett [00:34:41]:
Join that. Check it out. Explore. Because gosh, when you can free yourself from the crazies that are holding you back. I'm telling you, life becomes amazing. I wish that everyone would have the opportunity to feel the highest highs and to feel how good it can get. But for it to get good, you got to stop being afraid of your emotions. So thank you for joining me.
Erica Bennett [00:35:04]:
Tell me which therapy you're most excited to go try. I put the links in the podcast notes and the transcripts. All that jazz for the shift, the breathing tool. I've also got my affiliate link for yoni Pleasure Palace. So if you want to look at some wands, if you're not sure which wand, just send me a DM. I am happy to hop on a quick call and help you explore what you need. So until next time, take care of yourself. Find yourself a little personal therapy ritual that helps you feel like your best self for the day.
Erica Bennett [00:35:37]:
And until next time, give yourself a little grace and I'll talk to you next week. Bye.