S2, EP4: Stories From the Other Side with Ali Yanez

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S2, EP4 of The Crazy Ex-Wives Club Podcast, Stories From the Other Side with Ali Yanez

In this Stories From the Other Side episode of The Crazy Ex-Wives Club, host Erica Bennett is joined by fellow divorce Ali Yanez. 

Drawing from their own experiences, Erica and Ali delve into the tendency for women to hold onto emotions during the divorce process, discussing the regrets they themselves have faced. 

They explore the power of understanding and grace, both towards others and towards oneself, emphasizing the importance of setting clear boundaries and expressing needs in a non-demanding way. 

They also explore the challenges of blending families, the need for a support system, and the struggles of co-parenting. With their empowering and insightful conversation, Erica and Ali provide valuable guidance and support for anyone navigating the complexities of divorce and post-divorce life.

Tune in to this episode for an enlightening discussion on finding happiness, setting boundaries, and healing after divorce.

See below for full transcripts. 

This week's book recommendation:

⁠Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood⁠

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Stories From the Other Side with Ali Yanez: Full Transcripts

Erica Bennett [00:00:03]:

Hello. Welcome, guys to another great episode of The Crazy Ex-Wives Club. Today, we have another Stories From the Other Side. We have my bestest friend Ali here to talk about her own experience and I'm here to celebrate her helping me get through a lot of my ups and downs as well. So let's get started.

Erica Bennett [00:00:37]:

Today I have my friend Ali here with me. Ali not only is a fellow divorcee, but she was one of the powerhouse women who helped support me in my role as I navigated divorce. It started as know mutual loves in our corporate world and expanded into a beautiful supportive friendship. In fact, it is where the idea for this podcast, this group came from. So welcome, Ali. We're excited to have you here today.

Ali Yanez [00:01:07]:

Thank you for having me. You forgot one of the most important things that ignited us, which is Virgo power. So hello to all of our Virgo nation and power listeners.

Erica Bennett [00:01:19]:

Yes! Every year we get together to celebrate how Virgo we are for our birthdays, how much we just love being Virgos and how perfect we are because that is what Virgos are really good at.

Ali Yanez [00:01:33]:

Should we tell them also that we're left-handed? We're both left-handed and we both have green eyes. So I think that combo is just.

Erica Bennett [00:01:39]:

See that combo is there too. I have a lot of blonde in my hair right now, but usually it's a little less. And so even though we are opposite, like she's a real blonde, I'm a fake blonde but brunette. And we'd be like twinsies at work and everyone's like but you're opposite. Yeah, but we're we're the same. We're like the opposites but twins and altogether. So, Ali, I want to celebrate you. 

Erica Bennett [00:02:08]:

And that is what Ali is really good at, which is why we're going to celebrate her. One of the things that I love about you is how honestly and authentically you support and empower and cheerlead other women. I just see it in the teams you create, in the people you meet. I was so blessed to have that experience in the corporate world in the office all the time, day in and day out to see it. And it truly is something unique and amazing and so very rare. So hats off to you for always being super supportive. In fact, Ali was the one that escorted me out of the office when I rolled in the day after learning that my marriage was over as I came in on no sleep and frazzled. And what did I look like? I don't know what I looked like.

Ali Yanez [00:03:00]:

But all I saw was a very broken heart. I didn't see anything physically wrong because you always looked beautiful and I just knew you had to take care of yourself. So it was one of those moments where sometimes when you don't recognize it, even though you feel it, you got to have somebody else that remembers. So I think that's what I saw, and I just wanted to make it better.

Erica Bennett [00:03:23]:

Yeah, I mean, she's like, what is going on? Hold on. Okay, no, I'm sending you home. No, I will tell everyone else you are out the door. And then she always was also very well known for always having a lot of meetings, maybe being minutes late.

Ali Yanez [00:03:44]:

Wow, that's a whole other podcast, right?

Erica Bennett [00:03:47]:

Always meeting to meeting to meeting. But she stood there in the parking lot with me and listened and supported and was just present. I never felt rushed. I never felt unimportant. I felt so seen. And it's definitely one of Ali's strengths. So my first question for you, Ali, is how do you find that much never ending strength, right? Like, were you able to give it to yourself when you yourself got divorced? How can somebody tap into that?

Ali Yanez [00:04:19]:

Gosh, that's a really good question. I think I learned how to do that at a really young age as far as seeing people for who they are and not so much what they're doing, but where is that behavior coming from? You use that term a lot, which I love, and that's because I have a sibling that's adopted and he came with a lot of complexities, and so it was constantly going back to, okay, well, that's his behavior, and that's really annoying or frustrating or maddening, but we have to get to the why behind that behavior. And so a lot of times, if you can see somebody for all of their experiences that have created those behaviors, it becomes a lot easier to find grace for them, patience, and be able to do that for them yourself as well. And I probably do it for myself the least, but it's a work in progress.

Erica Bennett [00:05:22]:

I think that's pretty safe. We probably are always hardest on ourselves. That's who gets the least amount of love and attention. But I love and I think it's super valuable for those listening that have to still work with their co-parents, their exes, being able to separate those two pieces. Right? We often look at somebody in terms of what can they do for us, how are they serving us, how are they making my life easier versus who are they? Because they're their own unique, individual person having their own feels and their own experiences and doing their own things. And so being able to separate like, hey, you are who you are as a person, and the behaviors that come with it can really help you almost step back from that reaction or that demanding that somebody act different or be different.

Ali Yanez [00:06:16]:

Totally. And I think that is the power struggle. And I think you've talked about this on a previous episode, but that our kind of ego can get into with that other person or that other co-parent or maybe a grandparent that might be doing some triangulation. If that's a world that anyone else is familiar with, it's like, just step away from it. Don't get into that power struggle and look at it for really what do you need and how do you not get into a power struggle that you don't need to spend your energy on? Because your energy is going to be spent on other things that are way more valuable, like loving on your kids. You just spend 20 minutes in a power struggle with whoever it might be, or could you take that 20 minutes back and give it to your kids if it's something that you truly can't control or are not going to change? Right. And that's probably why a lot of us are here and listening to the podcast, we realize, oh God, it's not going to change.

Erica Bennett [00:07:17]:

Not going to change. Someone help me. They're crazy. We're all a little crazy at times.

Ali Yanez [00:07:22]:

We're crazy. Yeah.

Erica Bennett [00:07:24]:

So what would you say are some of your biggest learnings that you've had as you've navigated your own divorce? What would be your advice for somebody else going through it?

Ali Yanez [00:07:35]:

Well, the grace is a big one. Grace for everybody involved, because it's not just you that's going through it. There's a whole lot of other people that are involved, whether you have kids, whether you have friends, whether you have family. And trying to, again, avoid those power struggles and giving everybody a little bit more patience, a little bit more understanding, trying to see things from others perspectives. I've had to do that way more than I ever did, I think, probably when I was married, to really understand why they're doing what they're doing or why they feel what they're feeling. I think also creating the space and really good boundaries is something that I've worked a ton on. I had no boundaries before, and I thought I could absolutely love someone into changing, and that's a recipe for disaster. So no boundaries and then thinking that you can love someone to change their ways, it's not healthy.

Ali Yanez [00:08:37]:

So those two things, I think, on top of learning grace have probably been my biggest learning.

Erica Bennett [00:08:44]:

Did I ever send you the book? I think it's called like Women Who Love Too Much.

Ali Yanez [00:08:49]:


Erica Bennett [00:08:49]:

Oh, yes, I will send you the book. You guys, I will also tag the book in the post so you can find it too. But the whole book is written about the women who see the project, right? Or they see the person and think I can change them if I just love them enough. I can change them. When you fall in love for somebody, for their potential versus their reality. And we think that if we just carry more of the weight and if we just take more on and if we pick up, I can just hold more of the responsibilities and the work of this marriage or this family until they get their feet underneath them and then they'll do it too. And the reality is that most don't.

Erica Bennett [00:09:28]:

If they want you to take care of them, they're kind of going to stay in that. And that was a learning I had, too, that I have to doing the work for people.

Ali Yanez [00:09:37]:

Yeah. And if you don't have good boundaries on top of it, then what are you doing? You're just constantly enabling them at that point and making excuses. I think that is probably a cycle that a lot of us on the other side have fallen into. And we don't learn boundaries growing up. We don't learn any of that. Especially if your parents are baby boomers.

Ali Yanez [00:10:12]:

I mean, it's so traditional for the women to take on all the emotional stuff of the men, the men to be out and about. That's what I learned.

Erica Bennett [00:10:24]:

Right. And the other half of that book talks about the fact that the reason we love somebody into their potential is also because we think that if we can love them enough to fix them that they'll never leave us. And so there is that people pleasing part, right. It's a safety measure of if they're so broken or they need so much help and I'm the one giving them the help, then now they need me. Instead of being independent, instead of having your own feels and your own boundaries. Because that's the other piece. A big part of this season is all about maintaining your best self. How do you get your feet underneath you after the wind gets knocked out of your sails? Whether you know it's coming or not coming, it still sucks when you get divorced.

Erica Bennett [00:11:11]:

It still changes everything in those boundaries of being able to know what you need to then be able to say yes or no in situations. Right. So definitely tune into the boundaries episode. We'll go way more in depth on that. But being able to get comfortable and stand in your true power of knowing, like it's okay to say no and it's okay to do it in a loving manner is acceptable. And I think that's where your piece of where you started saying that I see people for who they are, not for what they're doing for me or to me means that when you have a boundary, it doesn't mean I don't love and respect you. It just means like, hey, I can't do this right now. It doesn't work for me.

Ali Yanez [00:11:58]:

Right. Yeah. And when you are learning boundaries at a later stage in life, it's still super uncomfortable. No matter how many times you practice, no matter how many times you say, no matter how many different ways you figure out how to phrase it, it is still a work in progress. So for those of you that are listening and working on it. It's a muscle that needs constant reps all the time.

Erica Bennett [00:12:34]:

Even when you're in a loving relationship, it still needs constant reps. Right? Because at the end of the day, you are the only person who looks out for you. Yes, you look out for your kids, yes, you look out for your partners or whatnot, but really you're the only one who best knows what you need in any moment and how to give it to you. And you should be the one who's empowered enough to do it. Other people help, but you got to own your own happiness. Boundaries, kind of all those pieces. Do you happen to have any favorite ways to say no? Do you have any words of wisdom?

Ali Yanez [00:13:12]:

That's a good one. It does depend on the situation. I think a lot of times it's it's also learning to say no, but then also learning to ask for things. That's a whole nother thing with boundaries. So if anyone is on the other side or about to be on the other side, even though you have a divorce decree that or a parenting agreement or anything like that, custody agreement, child support agreement, that might say, here's all the things that your partner needs to do, and that is agreed upon, you still have to ask. It doesn't just appear, it doesn't just show up in your bank account like a direct deposit when you're getting paid by your employer or whoever is paying you for your services. That's an interesting thing. Boundaries are not just saying no, but they're also learning to ask for what you need.

Ali Yanez [00:14:13]:

And I hate that part of it. So I think the saying no is almost the easier part of it, but it's the asking for when I need to be reimbursed for things or when that portion of whatever it might be is coming up. His turn for the lessons, his turn for whatever it might be. I hate having to ask for that, but it's not going to get done unless I ask for it. So I can't be mad about not having the money unless I have asked and made that request. And usually it's a non issue. So I don't know why it's still a thing. But I think, again, being really clear on what you need when you need it, all those things that are listed out in agreement that you hope someone just is going to do it's, a part of boundaries as well.

Erica Bennett [00:15:08]:

Yeah. And again, you're working together, so now you got somebody who has their own wants and needs, their own desires for how things are going to go, their own emotional reactions going on behind the scene, like how much of the stuff is really still somebody's, still a little peeved or hurt or whatever else. So yeah, clear boundaries, asking for what you want. It's a hard one, you know, that's like actually a hard one for women in general. We don't like to ask. We think everybody can read our mind. We think they can just deliver what we need, not the reality. So working on that muscle, that skill to be like, what do I need and how can I ask for it in a way that's not demanding, but like, hey, this would be great.

Erica Bennett [00:15:53]:

This is what's expected, this is what I'm waiting on.

Ali Yanez [00:15:57]:

Exactly. Right. Sometimes a little screenshot and a text does a the trick.

Erica Bennett [00:16:03]:

Right? Sometimes. Luckily they do it. Luckily, yours is doing it. We went through a phase, and I'm sure you have too. So if my divorce was final in '17 I don't know when your divorce was final - '18?

Ali Yanez [00:16:21]:


Erica Bennett [00:16:23]:

We're like a couple of years apart, but there were phases of when it first happens and you kind of like from us, we decided we were aligned on how we were dividing and conquering. Great. It was done. And then in walks the new fiance and she wants to rewrite everything. And now things get real gross for a really long time. And lots of those things that were in the divorce decree just never happened, even though the law said they had to happen, even though they were. And there was nothing I could do. I could pay more money, I could hire another lawyer, I could take him back to court even though he's the one breaking the rules, which can be hard to deal with.

Ali Yanez [00:17:06]:

And I think with any of my friends that have been on this side of it, that is a constant thing. Do I bring them back to court for the thing? How much time is that going to take? Because that's always like one of those questions that's out there, because you never know how much time will it take to redo a custody agreement, how much time will it take to do mediation, all of those things. And is it worth again all the time and the resources that it takes to do those things? Or in your case, do you try to get what you need and continue to move forward?

Erica Bennett [00:17:45]:

And the stress on you, you know what I mean? It's more stressful for me to be in a fight with my ex, even if I'm battling for the things that I know that I want, I won't say right, but that I want or that I'm entitled to. Right. That being like, well, yeah, I can choose the battle. I can choose to continue to fight and be inflexible. Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?

Ali Yanez [00:18:13]:


Erica Bennett [00:18:14]:

I say a lot to people.

Ali Yanez [00:18:16]:

Yeah, that's a huge I think say that again because I think do you want to fight or do you want to be happy? I see so many women digging their heels in just to dig the heels in because there's still a lot of emotions happening. It's always within that first year, year and a half of going through the divorce process and being divorced, looking back, it was like, oh, my God, why did I do that? I don't want you to do that, too. So just think about that. And I know there are big emotions and there are ways to work through those. I would say way better than maybe you did, way better than I probably did. And maybe you just have to work through those on your own. And that's a part of everyone's process. But I wish I would have not dug deals in on certain things that didn't need to be dug in on.

Erica Bennett [00:19:18]:

Yeah. So do you want to be right? Do you want to be happy? Stop digging in. And you have to be the one to evaluate that because there are some things that yes, you need to stay strong on it. Right. Especially when it comes down to maybe there's an agreement in how costs are split, right. Medical costs are split 50 50 or school supplies and costs are split 50 50 and that person starts not paying. Okay, well, that's kind of a big thing that you might need to really dig into. But if they're supposed to have the kid back at 06:00 and it's always 07:00, is this the hill you want to die on or do you want to look the other way? Because are they just doing it to irritate you? Are they just doing it to kind of stir it up? And if you just look the other way and focus on what is working, all of a sudden those little pieces settle down.

Erica Bennett [00:20:12]:

It just takes some time allowing it to kind of float until it gets there. So one of the other things that I want to celebrate is that this is the woman who helped me launch the idea for this podcast. In fact, it actually started from our birthday cocktails. So we are right around way more.

Ali Yanez [00:20:37]:

Productive with cocktails, I think is the takeaway on that one.

Erica Bennett [00:20:40]:

Right. That's the thing, you guys. I don't drink when I'm by myself. But if we're going to celebrate something or we're going to meet up, we're going to go get some extra dirty. The dirty goose is what my child has called it, the extra dirty gray goose martini.

Ali Yanez [00:20:59]:

We cycle through kind of our favorites, our chocolate martini phase.

Erica Bennett [00:21:05]:

In the winter, it's chocolate martinis. Right now I'm doing whiskey, lemonade. I mean, you got a little celebration. It's a little treat. In fact, I do have a little bottle. We'll open one, we're not together. When we're together again, we'll have another one. Right.

Erica Bennett [00:21:22]:

One of the big things that I also realized in my chats with Ali was the importance of the support system, which is why this idea came to fruition. In fact, when we met, we were both just kind of sharing, hey, how's dating life after getting divorced. And we were moving into this phase of contemplating co creating with another person and that person who has an extended family. And it's just hard, you guys. It's just freaking hard. Even when it goes really well, it's hard. And if it doesn't go well, in my instance, they're still in the court system, and it's been years that they continue to just the moment anything changes, it's back in the courts. And as we were chatting and kind of sharing stories, and I just was like, oh, my God, I need this.

Erica Bennett [00:22:16]:

I need more of this. Right? Because you feel so alone when you're going through it and you don't know what's normal and not normal anymore. You just know you have to get through it. And so we were drinking chocolate martinis at that. That was a chocolate martini night. But I was like, oh, my gosh, we need a community. We need a space to give women the voice to talk about these things. Of course.

Erica Bennett [00:22:41]:

Went through a few renditions and we landed here on the podcast. But that is why I brought a teeny tiny bottle of sparkling bubbly.

Ali Yanez [00:22:49]:

So cute. I love that bottle, and I actually do like that.

Erica Bennett [00:22:52]:

I know, but why is Target not carrying it anymore?

Ali Yanez [00:22:55]:

Oh, I don't know. I think I've gotten it. I don't know where I've gotten it.

Erica Bennett [00:23:00]:

So this is the yes way rose, the sparkling one.

Ali Yanez [00:23:04]:

Love it.

Erica Bennett [00:23:05]:

We open a little ASMR it was tiny. It doesn't have a cord. It's a little baby bottle, you guys, not a full one. Let's see if it can give us any sound bubbles.

Ali Yanez [00:23:19]:

I heard a little bubble.

Erica Bennett [00:23:23]:

We'll see if this fancy new microphone picked up the bubbles. But right? Ali's got her non existent. She's got her, like, work water bottle. Cheers. Cheers to creating more sports. So, do you have any tips for other ladies in building a support network? Because you and I, we get together a handful of times throughout the year and we're texting back and forth, but both very busy. You're traveling a lot? I'm half the time in another state, and finding that support system is difficult sometimes. So have you had any luck finding a different way to craft that support?

Ali Yanez [00:24:02]:

Well, you know, it's interesting because I found that it was almost hard for my close friend to be more objective about the situation, right. And so it was interesting. I just ended up gravitating more towards people on the outside of our my ex-husband and my friend group, which has been my friend group for pretty much my 20s all the way to now. And I didn't want to burden them with the inside stuff and whatnot. And so it was really important for me to find that kind of outer support ring. And some of that came from work friendships, and others came from just saying yes to things that I normally wouldn't say yes to. And you're a great example of that, too, because we're constantly trying to find ways to connect people. I love connecting people.

Ali Yanez [00:25:04]:

I love connecting with people. And you can't do that unless you say yes to things. And I think it's funny when people complain about not being able to find a friend group or find somebody, because I think most times, often than not, when that's happening, they're choosing not to go and say yes to things. So whether it's a work event or it's a pop up event, one of my girlfriends is a jeweler, and she'll send out invitations to her pop up event that she's going to, or supporting somebody else's launch, a book launch, for example. Just go. Just go. Say yes. Do the thing.

Ali Yanez [00:25:50]:

And you never know what kind of connection and support is going to come from that. And I think that's where I've met some of my most amazing connections. Again, in addition to the workplace.

Erica Bennett [00:26:02]:

Yeah. I'm grateful for a job that had me travel solo. Right. Because that was kind of like the first breakthrough of getting used to eating dinner by myself. I'm on a work trip. You didn't have a choice, right. Sitting, getting coffee by yourself, or just entertaining yourself for a free night. And so all of a sudden, when you get divorced, and now you got free time again and you have to go date yourself solo, it can be a little intimidating, but the reality is nobody's paying attention to you.

Ali Yanez [00:26:34]:

We used to always say that no one's looking at you anyway.

Erica Bennett [00:26:39]:

I think the hardest one for me was I took myself to the movies. That was still really hard to go solo, that I really felt everybody was watching me and nobody was, oh, my God. I think it was literally like I went to see Dirty Dancing when they rereleased it in theaters.

Ali Yanez [00:26:56]:

Probably not a good choice.

Erica Bennett [00:26:58]:

Nobody but me. It was like literally me in the theater. But I was like, who's watching me? Nobody's freaking here. It's just me. But saying yes, showing up even right now, one of the ones that was a little outside of my comfort zone was networking events, because you go to these networking events and everybody already knows each other and you're the new person, but they don't. And that's what you have to remember.

Ali Yanez [00:27:28]:

But they don't know each other. 

Erica Bennett [00:27:33]:

Say yes. Say yes to going to the art festival. Say yes to going to the pop up. Worst case, you get there and you really don't like it, and you leave. But my challenge for you is that you've got to get through, like, five of them until you figure out how do you introduce yourself? What's your icebreakers to go over and start a conversation with somebody? How are you really just out there being like, hey, I want to meet other cool people, and I need to sift and sort through the people I'm meeting to find the ones that are like minded, the ones that I want to invest my time into.

Ali Yanez [00:28:14]:

And I think hanging on that piece of it too for just a minute might be helpful for some because if you're so focused on, I just need to meet people. I just need to meet people. I just need to meet people. I need a support group. I need a support group. You give off that energy, weird energy, right? Like it's a desperate energy. But if you go to an event with that as the subheader, you go to a networking thing and with the mindset of I'm going to connect, I'm going to have a conversation, I'm going to see what these people are about and not so tightly held on to the end goal. I think you can relax a little bit.

Ali Yanez [00:29:01]:

The anxiety wears off. You can avoid imposter syndrome. You just show up as your authentic self and someone with an authentic connection and authentic gifts to give and that opens all kinds of doors and people gravitate towards that energy versus this. Like, I'm so freaking nervous to be here and I just want to meet some friends and some support people because I'm going through a hard time. I know I gave off that energy. So it's like, oh, you can show up, calm it down and give off that warm energy versus that nervous stuff.

Erica Bennett [00:29:37]:

And you guys replay that clip and apply it to when you're finally ready to date. So it's the same thing. I was laughing when you started talking about like, oh yeah, that was me, right? Like, I got on the dating app with a purpose. I am going to find somebody and we are going to be dating. And so every single first date was, are you my person?

Ali Yanez [00:29:59]:

Doesn't work.

Erica Bennett [00:30:00]:

You guys, think of it this way, if you're not at the dating phase yet, or if you're in the dating phase and it's not going well, then I challenge you to go back to the networking phase. So go back to the just authentically showing up, learning how to meet people, being interested to find out what makes somebody else tick and just enjoy it for that moment.

Ali Yanez [00:30:24]:

And I think too, genuinely showing up as being interested in others and what they have to say is just like a good way to show up regardless of where you're showing up. Be authentically interested in other people. And it's amazing what that can give to somebody else and what you get in return just by showing up and wanting to learn more about them, right?

Erica Bennett [00:30:56]:

And you got to learn more about them to see if they're the right fit. And not everybody's going to be the right fit. As I've done more and more networking over the last six months, each one gets a little closer to the ideal BFF, the work BFF, right? Each one gets a little more aligned. But when you're starting out like, yeah, test and learn, right? It might not be the. Right fit. You're going to keep moving on, but bringing it back to what you had originally said is sometimes your original friend group is not going to be the people you need in this season. So it's always a season. What do you need right now in this season? And you might need some new people that are a little less invested, some people that are a little less opinionated about how things should have went or who did what.

Erica Bennett [00:31:42]:

And again, they're not doing it to be mean. It's just they're grieving, too. They have things they haven't let go of and so they're bringing their own baggage into it. And they might not be who you need in that moment, but then find your little divorce bestie BFF. Who. We definitely in our conversations have shared challenges, but we don't that's the word I'm looking like. We don't continue to dig into it and rehash it up and we're not complaining about it to be validated. Right.

Erica Bennett [00:32:24]:

And that's a big part. If I'm telling Ali. Oh, my God. Okay. I'm struggling with this this week. It's not because I need her to validate me, but I respect her opinions, and she might have an insight or an idea that shifts me forward into the next phase of growth, that there are lots of friends I know who I can call. If I just want to bitch about my ex, I absolutely know who I can call. And I don't want to do it anymore because I was the only one that then all of a sudden started picking on everything they did wrong and always finding fault in things.

Erica Bennett [00:32:55]:

And now, again, do you want to be right or be happy? Who's the one that's crabby?  Me!  He didn't even know that I'm bitching about him all day long. So finding those people who support you or there's happy to be your person, happy to look at coaching for you, there are people out there to help you so you are not alone. But having the right people will get.

Ali Yanez [00:33:18]:

Your through it 100%.

Erica Bennett [00:33:20]:

And if you're lucky, you have somebody like Ali in your life, but she's mine. So you guys all can't have her.

Ali Yanez [00:33:26]:

But they can all have you as your bestie.

Erica Bennett [00:33:32]:

Yes. Now I'm your bestie.

Ali Yanez [00:33:34]:

I still get my dates. Then we're good, right?

Erica Bennett [00:33:37]:

Well, we were laughing because we were supposed to schedule time to hang out and Ali texts and she's well, so I listened to the podcast all weekend, so I felt like we talked and I just never text you to book the date because I thought we were just chatting all weekend. So, yes, you guys always have me every week on a Wednesday. Also happy to help you out with private coaching. But thank you, Ali, for joining us today to share your learnings. Thank you for being such a supportive cheerleader for everybody that I see on your teams and in your life. And if you've ever worked with Ali, I know you're over there shaking your head as well, because she is just amazing to partner with. So thank you for joining us today. And for the rest of you guys, we'll tune in again next week for more support and more awareness so you can keep moving through your healing journey.



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